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Gordon J. Spykman

Reformational Theology

Reformational Theology

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This book truly breaks new ground. By incorporating the rich fruits of recent biblical scholarship into dogmatics, Reformational Theology serves to bring the fields of systematic theology and biblical studies — often, sadly, at odds with each other — closer together.

Following the biblical story line of creation-fall-redemption- consummation, Gordon Spykman's "new paradigm" systematic represents a notable revision of the traditional loci method.

Taking John Calvin's theology as a crucial point of historical orientation and standing on the shoulders of many other theological giants of the past, Spykman's monumental reformulation of Reformed dogmatics provides a real and respectable alternative to both the older dualist and the newer monist traditions. Also of significance is that this new approach to dogmatics contextualizes theology by cross- referencing it with biblical worldview studies and Christian philosophy.

The culmination of Spykman's thirty-five-year preaching and teaching career, Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics will find a welcome place in many seminary and college courses on systematic theology and Christian doctrine. Ministers, bible teachers, and theologically interested general readers will also profit from this remarkable work.
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